Peguis Emergency Centre & Firehall
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The Emergency program is a non-profit community based program which provides the peoples of Peguis First Nation with assistance in their time of crisis and emergency; under the auspices of the Peguis Band, AANDC, DFA, EMO and MANFF.
For complete information about the different codes for flood, please click the links below:
About Peguis Emergency Operation Centre
Goal of the Centre
To provide the earliest possible coordinated response in order that the following are assured:
Prevent or limit the loss of life
Prevent or limit the loss of property
Prevent or limit the damage to the environment,
The restoration of essential services
To increase the level of emergency preparedness across Peguis First Nation lands by involving/educating the general public. To work in partnership with EMO and strive for the excellence in providing services to all members of the community that are fair and reasonable.
To strive towards recognition as a Regional E.O.C. capable of responding and providing services to both on and off reserve.
The Peguis First Nation Emergency Operation Centre has the responsibility to ensure proper training and preparation for any natural disasters which can directly or indirectly cause severe threats to public health and/or well-being.
The PEOC was subjected to an audit in 2012; the outcome of the audit was positive and the flood has worked hard to prepare and record the submissions and documentation. The audit for 2010/11 showed that all flood related costs were reimbursed by AANDC or EMO, and the PEOC recorded a small profit for the fiscal year. This is the first time in history that Peguis FN has received all flood related costs and not recorded a financial loss. The PEOC is ext remely proud of this achievement and this was accomplished under the direction of the Flood Project Manager, Emergency Co-o rdinator and the Office manager, as well as the dedicated work of the PEOC flood staff. Everyone deserves a great deal of credit for this. The submissions staff has worked hard over the past 2 years to ensure all payments have the appropriate back up to report to AANDC and EMO for dollars received and spent.
Mould Abatement/Housing
In the past two years, the PEOC has dedicated itse lf to ensure staff have the proper t raining needed to deal with the issues that arise in the community. There were a total of 20 individuals that were trained in the area of mould abatement to address the mould in the homes affected th rough water damages to the home and these individuals were provided jobs through the 5500 program. The PEOC would like to have add it ional t raining for mould abatement in the near future and team up with the 5500 program and CP Cont ractors to have t his plan of action put in place.
As many of you are aware, there have been new houses being built in the community. Nine (9) to be exact, 3 of which are stick built on site and 6 of which were prefabricated in panels and ordered from Paci fic Homes in Brit ish Columbia and constructed on the old Arena site.
The purpose of the homes is to replace homes damaged through numerous flooding disasters over the past years. Progress started this past August and is on-going to date. The est imated time of completion is not known at this time due to hydro not being connected yet. However, all 9 homes are on foundations ready for servicing.
The moving of t he homes was handled by Reimer Home Building Movers based out of Arborg. All moves were done two homes at a time. The fi rst move was on November 30, 2012, then two more each week after that.
Peguis Emergency Operation Centre
P.O. Box 10
Peguis, MB R0C 3J0
p. 204.645.2869
f. 204.645.5994